
Recreational Gymnastics

Once your child is at school they move from the Pre-School and Early Years gymnastics to the Gymnastics Core. Again, the emphasis remains on FUN but with core gymnastics skills being developed further.

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Recreational gymnastics is designed for children that want to learn basic gymnastics skills, stay fit, build strength and flexibility but don’t want to commit to long hours in the gym or partake in competitions. Children of any age and skill level can participate in a recreational gymnastics program following the British Gymnastics Proficiency Awards.


Recreational gymnasts get to use all equipment in the gym including sprung floor exercise, balance beam, uneven bars, vault, and trampette They also get to use many types of mats that aide in the learning of specific gymnastics skills. There is NO equipment at Gym Mania that recreational gymnasts do not get to us. Our belief is that everyone no matter what ability level should get to use our FUNky, bright, new equipment.


Most gymnasts take gymnastics classes 1 to 2 times a week and each class is an hour long. Every class starts with a warm up and usually ends with conditioning.